There is a new google service: Google Hot Trends. It shows the hot query keyin by the google users. But there are some inconvenient places when using the service: I don't understand the meaning of these keywords. It's bother to copy these keywords and to query to the Google Image Search service. So I made a Google Hot Trends Photo iGoogle Version। (To click to add to your iGoogle page.) Now it's convenient to understand the meaning by seeing the photos of these hot trends keywords in this gadget.
ChatGPT Canvas 全新 AI 寫作、程式碼編輯工具,不再只能對話!
ChatGPT 最近推出會主動思考推理的「 o1-preview 」,以及更即時、自然的「進階語音對話模式」後,今天又再次推出新功能:*「
ChatGPT Canvas 」,這是基於 GPT-4o 架構開發的全新 AI 寫作、程式碼編輯介面。讓 ChatGPT
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